SOURCE While yoga’s popularity in the United States has grown exponentially over the past few decades, it’s hardly a new phenomenon. The roots of yoga extend far back into ancient Indian history as a varied spiritual tradition with some practices you won’t be able to learn at your local studio. Below, we’ll explore the development…
“A salutation made by contacting with the lips pushed firmly together and swiftly parting them,” according to the dictionary, is what is meant by a kiss. This makes it quite clear that while a dictionary may have some knowledge of words, it is completely ignorant about the act of kissing.We should consult poets who still…
After many years of meditation and yoga practices, it seems so now as a natural progression, to approach the ancient manual art of pottery. A quiet mind and the willingness to allow your hands to gently caress the material, guiding it through its rotational motion, infringing slight pressure to modify its form is perhaps a…