Recognizing the challenges facing our societies and the growing urgency to rebalance our priorities and goals, we are drawn to an essential and inescapable path: the restoration of strong and solid moral principles. By embracing honesty and personal responsibility, we empower ourselves to understand and embody the practice of genuine care.
Care has always been—and will continue to be—the key to refocusing our collective efforts toward a more just, purposeful, and resourceful future. As the combination of time and attention, care is the ultimate currency.
We strive to engage in meaningful introspection, to listen to our higher selves and align with that truth. By setting aside competition, we embrace honesty and authenticity.
Not only is it possible—it is essential. Embarking on this path requires nothing less than genuine inner courage.
Discover The Trivium Process & The Principles of Natural Law;
Recognise the process of (r)evolutionary consciousness,
Acknowledge the nature of human brain-balanced critical thinking and the resulting behavioural mechanics.
Human beings say that they want certain conditions to be present both for themselves and their species as a whole, such as happiness, health, peace, freedom, prosperity, etc.
However, specific requirements exist in order for human beings to obtain those conditions. If the requirement for those conditions are not met, those conditions will not manifest out of nowhere.
© 2019 Ian T. Cruz, All Rights Reserved.
We recognize the challenges facing modern civilization and aim to offer a broader perspective for addressing well-known societal issues—issues that are, in essence, scaled-up fractal reflections of individual shortcomings.
Using the Trivium Process and through the STEAM Framework and the Principles of ReGeneration, we provide a natural, adecuate, scientifically-proven and pro-human method with a full-spectrum content; covering mind, body and objectives.
We design Tailored Transformational Experiences in beatiful natural environments to allow you to focus on yourself and the imperative of self-transcendence and objective reality.
Participate in Eclectic Events designed to inspire and instigate action, through the Arts, reinforcing interdependent and co-operative relationships, while encouraging expression and prosperity.
An Educational Framework to Relate Things To Each Other and Reality. Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all understood with elements of Mathematics.
Developed in 2006 by Georgette Yakman. The model helps organize all subject matters into a comprehensible framework for structuring educational models; the foundational research shows how the spectrum of the liberal arts contextualizes STEM.
STEAM is about more than converging the fine arts and design thinking into STEM fields. The Liberal Arts are, the ‘who & why’, the reasoning, to the ‘what & how’ of STEM.
The Principles of ReGeneration constitute the operational template upon which we endevour to create and develop all our activities and projects. An ethical approach for prosperous, biosphere-friendly and joyful initiatives.
Founder, Director.
With a big-picture mind and strong Conceptual Intelligence skills, Ian will help you envision a fascinating global renaissance. He’s a Researcher & Project Designer
Co-Founder, Yoga & Meditation Instructor and Ceramist.
Highly empathic, Iwona’s sensibility and energy will affect you in ways you can’t anticipate; she uses advanced techniques and the arts to enhance your perception of life.
Project Manager & Clinical Psychologist.
Ulrika’s vast experience and understanding of human behaviour and an unstoppable tenacity for personal awareness will allow you to materialize measurable progress.