Yoga does not transform the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees. -B.K.S. Iyengar
It’s well established that both Meditation and Yoga Practices are key to (Re)Balance Our Experience in Life.
Do you struggle with Balance? Self-Esteem? Confidence and Organization in you daily life?
We are convinced that regular –and even occasional– practices greatly improve the management of your energy and focus.
A natural technique which allows the conscious mind to experience increasingly more subtle states of thought until the source of thought, the unlimited reservoir of energy and creative intelligence, is reached. This simple practice expands the capacity of the conscious mind and a man/woman is able to use his/her full potential in all fields of thought and action.
Our rich and simple practice does not involve any kind of force or control. Unlike other forms of meditation, we do not aim to concentrate the mind on any particular thought or to force it to follow any particular direction. We encourage a practice that operates to remove any restraints to allow the mind to dwell naturally.
The practice of meditation offers numerous benefits that positively impact various aspects of life. By quieting the mind and cultivating present-moment awareness, meditation promotes mental clarity, emotional balance, and stress reduction. Regular meditation practice enhances focus, concentration, and memory, improving cognitive abilities. It also cultivates a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion, leading to improved emotional well-being and enhanced relationships.
Hatha Yoga is a comprehensive system that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation. It focuses on achieving a balance between opposing forces in the body and mind. Through the practice of asanas and pranayama techniques, Hatha Yoga enhances strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. It culminates in meditation, promoting inner peace and a sense of calmness.
Kundalini Yoga, on the other hand, is a transformative practice that aims to awaken dormant spiritual energy. It involves dynamic movements, breathwork, chanting, and visualization techniques to activate the Kundalini energy and align the chakras. Kundalini Yoga is intense and energetic, using kriyas (repetitive movements) to release blockages and facilitate spiritual growth. By raising the Kundalini energy, it promotes self-realization and deepens one’s spiritual connection.
Our rich tailored program will allow you to create a deeper connection with yourself and the world, fostering a greater sense of peace, contentment, and overall happiness.
Movement as Medicine is an approach to physical well-being that recognizes the inherent connection between movement and overall health. It emphasizes the therapeutic benefits of intentional movement and its ability to promote healing, reduce pain, and enhance overall quality of life. In this practice, movement is viewed as a powerful tool to address physical, emotional, and mental imbalances.
The practice of Movement as Medicine involves a holistic approach to movement, taking into account individual needs, abilities, and goals. It encompasses a wide range of modalities, including but not limited to yoga, Pilates, dance, tai chi, and functional training. Movement as Medicine aims to restore balance, improve mobility, and increase strength and flexibility through mindful and intentional movement patterns. It focuses on proper alignment, breath awareness, and body awareness, allowing individuals to develop a deeper understanding of their bodies and cultivate a sense of empowerment over their health and well-being. By integrating movement into daily life, Movement as Medicine promotes vitality, resilience, and a greater sense of overall wellness.
Certified Instructor
Meet Iwona, a highly experienced and deeply compassionate Meditation and Yoga instructor with over 20 years of dedicated practice. Iwona exudes a serene and calming energy that effortlessly envelops those around her. With her gentle demeanor and nurturing presence, she has the remarkable ability to create a sacred space where students can experience true transcendence and self-discovery.
Having devoted her awakening to the path of mindfulness and self-awareness, Iwona has honed her skills as a guide, offering wisdom and techniques that have the power to ignite a profound transformation within her students. Through her extensive knowledge and intuitive understanding of the human psyche, she effortlessly taps into the needs of others, providing them with the tools to heal, grow, and find inner peace.
Recognized for her empathetic nature, Iwona possesses an innate ability to connect deeply with others, allowing her to understand and address their unique struggles and aspirations. Her teachings go beyond the physical practice, as she weaves in heartfelt messages of self-love, acceptance, and gratitude. Through her enlightening and powerful sessions, Iwona helps her students not only develop a strong foundation in meditation and yoga but also instills in them a lasting sense of purpose and a renewed zest for life. Those fortunate enough to encounter Iwona on their journey are forever touched by her transformative presence, finding solace, inspiration, and a renewed connection to their true selves.
“Jag hade länge tänkt på att börja med yoga för att förbättra min balans, rörlighet och andning innan det slutligen blev av i höstas. Jag upplevde en snar förbättring såsom jag hoppats och gruppen jag tränat i har varit trevlig och tillåtande med många skratt. Man lämnar varje träning med ett skönt lugn i både kropp och själ. Jag hoppas kunna fortsätta med yoga även nästa termin!”
“I had been thinking about taking up yoga for a long time to improve my balance, mobility and breathing before it finally happened last fall. I experienced a quick improvement as I had hoped and the group I trained in has been nice and permissive with lots of laughs. You leave each training with a pleasant calm in both body and soul. I hope to continue with yoga next semester as well!”
Malin Hylleblad
Hatha & Yin Yoga Participant・ Sweden
“Jag har varit mycket glad för den yoga som Ivona har undervisat oss i. En form för medicinsk yoga. Hon har varit mycket uppmärksam. Har visat olika sätt att göra övningarna på, sittande på stol eller på mattan för dom som vill det. Jag har lärt mig mycket om andning, det har gjort att jag känner mig närmare mig själv. Jag får kontakt med jorden när jag håller på att tabbe fotfästet. Kommer gärna att fortsätta kurser med Ivona till hösten. Trevlig sommar 😻🙏.”
“I have been very happy for the yoga that Iwona has taught us. A form of medical yoga. She has been very attentive. Has shown different ways to do the exercises, sitting on a chair or on the carpet for those who want it. I have learned a lot about breathing, it has made me feel closer to myself. I make contact with the earth when I’m about to lose my footing. Will be happy to continue courses with Iwona in the autumn. Pleasant summer 😻🙏.”
Eva Larson
Hatha & Yin Yoga Participant・ Sweden
”Decyzję na udział w warsztatach podjęłam spontanicznie. Z jogą kundalini zetknęłam się pierwszy raz. Piękne doświadczenie w lekkości i piękny przekaz Iwony. Czekam na kolejny termin. Polecam z całego serca❤️.”
“I made the decision to participate in the workshop spontaneously. It was the first time I encountered kundalini yoga. A beautiful experience of lightness and a beautiful message from Iwona. I’m waiting for the next date. I recommend it with all my heart ❤️.”
Ewa Ciepielowska
Kundalini Yoga Participant・ Poland
“så …….vill jag tala om att jag älskar din energi du sprider! Hade det inte varit för dig så hade jag nog inte fortsatt!”
“so…….want to say I love the energy you spread! If it hadn’t been for you, I probably wouldn’t have continued!”
Åsa Svahn
Hatha & Yin Yoga Participant・ Sweden
Choose or Combine HATHA & YIN YOGA or KUNDALINI YOGA on All Programs:
Know Thyself Brief
Know Thyself Brief
Know Thyself Brief
* Sessions circa 50 minutes | * Monthly Program includes 3 Sessions per Week.